Conquering Anxiety: Does Diet Help?

Would it surprise you that you can help overcome anxiety simply by changing your diet? And did you know that your gut plays an important role in your emotional well-being? These days, the gut is known as “the second brain,” and for good reason. Let’s take a look.  ...

The Science of Stress

Stress is a common aspect of life. It can seriously affect our health and well-being if not managed appropriately.  April is Stress Awareness Month, which serves as a reminder to examine the various facets of stress and adopt effective strategies to mitigate its...
The Benefits of Probiotics

The Benefits of Probiotics

This article is for general information. One size does not fit all. At Your Private Physician, our personalized concierge approach to wellness customizes health solutions for patients. Probiotics are live microorganisms in foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, pickles,...